Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Airbus Progress

Not much to report in all honesty. .the Delfin is in final assembly prior to varnish and weathering, so hopefully some pics soon-ish! But I did a little more to the baby Airbus. All the joins were dealt with and some primer sprayed on.  The eagle eyed will notice my use of black primer. . . 

Now, this isn't any attempt at "black basing" or anything like that. . . it's simply that the truth is that the best way to spray white is over black. Counter intuitive maybe, but white is a surprisingly dense colour, and spraying it over black will take the guesswork out of knowing when you've got good coverage. No looking at your final white finish and having your eyes play tricks on you. 

This is GSI Mr Surfacer 1500 black. As you can see it's rougher than I'd have liked - as an experiment I used normal cellulose thinner instead of Mr Color levelling thinner like I normally would. Now I know EXACTLY why I use levelling thinner!  No worries, it'll smooth down fine with some fine micromesh. So hopefully I can start painting this in it's BA scheme sometime soon.

That's all, see you soon!
More checks


  1. Always MLT with Mr Surfacer!! Looks good though Drewe. What colours are you doing it in?? I saw a time lapse of an Airbus the other day and quite fancy trying one in its bare metal and primer stage before it gets painted.

  2. Cool. I'm curious to see how the white looks after its gone on. I'm still experimenting with whites and have not yet settled on one. Up to this point its been mainly Mr Color Super White, but i had good luck on some detail pieces using the Tamiya Lacquer gloss white.


  Decisions Decisions So it feels like every couple of years I do something on here and it rapidly fades out. I guess a lack of visitors rea...