Thursday, 6 February 2025

 Decisions Decisions

So it feels like every couple of years I do something on here and it rapidly fades out. I guess a lack of visitors really does impact enthusiasm, when I get plenty of clicks on my Facebook modelling page, and lots of comments. So I gravitate back there. 

I get it, I really do - Facebook makes engagement EASY. Everyone has it, everyone is but a click away from my ramblings or, more engagingly, some pictures. Coming here requires, first of all, remembering it exists, then thinking what I do is worth the effort, however minor that effort is, it's still more than simply opening your facebook app. So, like I say, I get it.

But I loathe Facebook with the fire of a thousand suns as an experience these days. Algorithms actively sabotage you unless you pay one of the world's richest robots for access to people. He HURTS you to try and make money. He saps your enthusiasm for his bottom line. 

Hey, his playground, his decisions. But I'd love to get enough going here to make it a place to share more constructively what I'm up to. 

Maybe, we'll see. Shall we build a model? 


  1. Sure! Let's build a model!

  2. You're still in my RSS feed, so I stopped by. To be honest, if you're looking for a platform alternative, I'd look to BlueSky, or if you're wanting to get back to writing, Substack is an incredible platform.

  3. keep at it drewe great stuff


  Decisions Decisions So it feels like every couple of years I do something on here and it rapidly fades out. I guess a lack of visitors rea...