Saturday, 30 April 2016

AMK's 1/72nd L29 Delfin

With thanks to Martin Wilson of AMK, here are some quick sprue shots of the brand new 1/72nd L29 Delfin which my valiant postman has just delivered to my grubby mits.

It's packaged in the beautiful way we have come to expect of AMK, in those lovely re-sealable little bags that crackle so wonderfully when you handle them! A few pics of the "flat bits" first. . .

 The instructions aren't actually a booklet as it appears, but  fold out map style. 

Five schemes are offered in the kit, a lovely selection of schemes, but I'm particularly smitten with the Egyptian aircraft with red undersides! That's my one.

Nice little etched fret with flap details and some other minor buts, although surprisingly no seatbealts.

And so onto the main sprues - four small grey sprues , two of which are duplicates. Beautifully moulded in that superb medium grey plastic, pretty much the best quality plastic in the business. Detail is superb - I know some think AMK's surface detail may be a touch heavy, but as a purely personal thing I really like it. I'll probably replace the moulded in pitots on the wings with some Albion Alloys tubing, but otherwise I'm hoping for a quick, simple build.

And finally a beautifully clear canopy sprue, not much to say here - just look!

And. . that's it for now, just a quick share of what's in the kit. I'll be starting it in the next half hour or so (yes, really!) and hope to spend only a few days on this bank holiday weekend  getting it largely done. Stay tuned!

Many thanks to Martin Wilson of AMK for the kit, and many thanks to AMK for delving into my favourite scale and making me a happy man! 

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