Saturday, 25 February 2023

Academy A-10 first steps

 So I've been waiting for this for a while, and finally picked one up this morning and started immediately. 

The kit is beautifully moulded, in typical Academy fashion these days. There is a bunch of slide moulding, which can be really clever. But it still leaves seam lines to deal with  the trick is to ensure you check for them! Have a look at the following pictures to see them. The ones on the sides of the rear fuselage are so fine I've highlighted them with the dreaded red line. They will have to be dealt with.

The good part is that as a one piece moulding you will not have to worry about ghost seams or similar - the bad aide? Well, often slide moulding is done to preserve or include fine details. As the seam still needs to go you still risk damaging that detail when dealing with them! So care is needed

The first step for me is to run a line of dark paint along each seam line - this just means you can see exactly what you're doing when removing them, so as not to go overboard with the sanding sticks. 

1 comment:

  Decisions Decisions So it feels like every couple of years I do something on here and it rapidly fades out. I guess a lack of visitors rea...