Friday, 6 August 2021

 Zvezda 1/144th Boeing 757

My very favourite airliner. I've waited a LONG time for this. I built the Minicraft kit that was released in around 1998-99 a few times, but to call it "disappointing" is to understate things slightly. So here we are, in 2021, with an all new tool Zvezda 757. Worth the wait? 100%! Beautifully moulded, fine but consistent detail, looks every inch the sleek, sinuous and predatory beauty the 757 is. I've been on the kit two days, and most of the major subassemblies are done. 

The wing and tailplanes aren't glued yet, but this is the basic model. I did scrape a vee in the fuselage halves at the join so I could fill the seam with black CA - glossy airliners mean you have to make the seam go bye-bye better than most others, and this will help prevent ghost seams opening up later. 

The satellite internet antenna on the spine fits perfectly too! 

Underside view showing fit of wing lower section. The kit includes standard wingtips and winglets as an option, and both RR and GE engines are ins the kit. Basically you can do any -200 series 757 from this model as provided. Clear cabin windows have a section to be cut off for the -200, indicating clear plans for a -300 down the line a bit (2022?)

More soon, nearly ready for some paint!


  1. Hello Drew,

    It goes together beautifully, doesn't it? Not a hint of filler needed on my build (first of many!). One point, the kit RR engines are RB211-535Es. There was also the RB211-535C which powered some early aircraft (such as early BA aircraft), with a shorter nacelle being the most obvious visual difference.


    1. RB211-535Cs are available from BraZ if you want to do BA or EA.

  2. Sorry, another point! The other kit engines are PWs rather than GEs.


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